Car accidents are one of the scariest and difficult aspects of life to deal with on a day to day basis. Accidents can be minor, major and even deadly. They are a part of everyday life all around the world. Since the invention and mass production of the automobile, people have been getting into accidents on the roadways. There are all types of accidents. They can involve another vehicle, a pedestrian, a bicycle, an inanimate object or an animal. Accidents are also referred to as fender benders, an MVA, an MVC, a collision, an incident, a smash-up, a crash or a wreck. All of these describe the same thing no matter how many vehicles are involved. When the accident involves five or more automobiles, it is referred to as a pile-up.
A majority of accidents are caused by the driver of one vehicle not paying attention to the roadway Autel MK808. They could be fooling with the radio dial, inserting a CD into the CD Player, eating, combing their hair, shaving, talking on the cell phone, yelling at children in the back seat, fumbling through the glove box or simply day dreaming. Plenty of accidents happen as a result of the driver falling asleep at the wheel either very early in the morning commute or late at night. Other serious accidents, more likely than not the deadly ones, occur as a result of drunk driving. The roads are a dangerous place; with speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating and road rage.